About Us

Empower with Love

Angel Edu Tam Foundation INC is committed to providing comprehensive education and support to children and youth in need, helping them develop fully and become productive members of society. We build loving living environments and communities where everyone is respected, supported and develops their abilities.

Over the next 5 to 10 years, Angel Edu Tam Foundation INC will become a leading organization in providing comprehensive education and support to children and youth globally. We will build a network of monastic villages, happy schools, education centers and startup support in many countries, creating communities of love and support for each other.


"Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive in a safe and supportive environment."

We believe that every child has the ability to thrive when living in a safe, loving and supportive environment.

"We help special children discover their potential."

Angel Edu Tam Foundation INC creates special programs and activities to help "angel" children discover and develop their own potential.

"Supporting families is key to building sustainable communities."

We not only focus on children but also support their families, helping them overcome difficulties and build a better life.

"Strong communities start from loving hearts."

Angel Edu Tam Foundation INC builds loving communities where people support and grow together.

"Education is not only knowledge, but also empathy and humanity."

We are committed to providing a comprehensive education, helping children develop both knowledge, personality and life skills.